Chooper's Guide ... the Internet's most comprehensive substance abuse treatment, prevention and intervention resource directory.

Choopers Guide Newsletter

Welcome to the Chooper's Guide Newsletter sign up page.

Please take a moment to tell us a little about yourself and your areas of interest.

This year is the year of the user and we plan to engage, entertain, educate and promote you. Each month, we will be sending you an email with the latest in addiction research, policy, events and news of interest. We will not be wasting your time by sending you the celebrity detox news or other updates from the Kardashians.  We will leave the sensationalism to the others who are so inclined. We will be sending you information that is relevant to addiction treatment and recovery today as well as policy updates that could potentially impact your organization or practice.

* All Information submitted is strictly confidential and will be stored on our secure server.

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Email Address, First and Last Name, State and Zipcode