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Does Alcoholics Anonymous really work?


As Alcoholics Anonymous, the most prevalent alcohol-abuse treatment method in the United States, and the 12-step model come under new scrutiny, Chris Hayes presides over a vigorous debate over the efficacy of AA and its place in our culture.


Addiction Treatment: One Size Will Never Fit All

While true that there are many paths to recovery, the 12 step model has statstistically touched more lives than any other treatment model. Empirical intake/outcome statistics are simply not available for any model so the conversation is merely speculative and annoying. The treatment model needs to catch up with the user population currently being admitted into treatment of which many do not belong (heads in beds). The AA and NA of twenty years ago was largely confined to the acute chronic and addict. Thirty thousand dollar per month rehabs did not exist. Today they are a 35 billion dollar year industry. The price of admission has changed. Although the questions raised are valid, care should be taken to prevent tarnishing 12 step programs. They work for the appropriate population. Only magical and simplistic thinking produce Magic Bullet solutions. 


As Alcoholics Anonymous, the most prevalent alcohol-abuse treatment method in the United States, and the 12-step model come under new scrutiny, Chris Hayes presides over a vigorous debate over the efficacy of AA and its place in our culture.
